The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 15% of the general population suffers from some form of tinnitus. The word TINNITUS comes from the Latin word “tinnire” which means to ring or tinkle. Most commonly tinnitus is referred to as ringing in the ears. However, it can take many forms and it can also be described as buzzing, roaring, whistling, clicking, chirping or crickets. It may occur continuously, intermittently or be pulsatile (or pulsating). Tinnitus can be pronounced two different ways both of which are correct: Tin-a-tus or Ti-night-us Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom that may have a variety of underlying causes. The first step is to speak with your physician and schedule an audiological evaluation to determine if there is hearing loss or any potential contributing medical problems. Trained, professional audiologists can help to identify factors that may be contributing to your tinnitus and help to manage it by providing specific programs that work best for you. There is currently no “cure” for most types of tinnitus, however, audiologists can provide specific and personalized treatment plans to manage and minimize its negative effects on your quality of life. By Lori Mathieu Au.D