Is it Time to Consider Hearing Aids?
Hearing Aid Monil Shah Hearing Aid Monil Shah

Is it Time to Consider Hearing Aids?

The thought of wearing hearing aids can be a scary prospect, especially if you’re younger than the average hearing aids wearer. However, the prospect of not being able to hear things clearly or interact with friends and family without major issues is far worse.

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4 Reasons to Visit an Audiologist
Audiologist Monil Shah Audiologist Monil Shah

4 Reasons to Visit an Audiologist

Health should be a priority for all of us. If you hurt your leg or you kept having headaches, you probably wouldn’t think twice about seeing your doctor, but for some reason, many of us tend to ignore problems with our hearing. We may assume that hearing loss is part and parcel of aging or presume that issues will pass with time.

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How to Select the Right Audiologist
Audiologist Monil Shah Audiologist Monil Shah

How to Select the Right Audiologist

Choosing the right audiologist is key for to maintaining the health of your auditory system. An audiologist is a professional who can evaluate your hearing ability, provide a treatment plan and recommend the hearing aids that will be best for your particular needs.

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How to Persuade a Loved One to Try Hearing Aids
Hearing Aids Monil Shah Hearing Aids Monil Shah

How to Persuade a Loved One to Try Hearing Aids

Some people are notoriously stubborn when it comes to their overall health. Some people do not want to put a burden on other people, and some are concerned about the lifestyle changes that they may have to make as the result of their new diagnosis. If you know that a loved one probably needs a hearing aid, but they are just being stubborn about it, then there are a few ways that you can try and nudge them in the right direction.

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Stigma Around Using Hearing Aids Waning
Hearing Aids Monil Shah Hearing Aids Monil Shah

Stigma Around Using Hearing Aids Waning

For one reason or another, hearing aids have had a stigma attached to them as years have gone by. Many people equate having hearing aids to getting older or being elderly, but this can have a huge impact on the health and quality of life of people who require hearing aids on a day-to-day basis.

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4 Factors in a Successful Hearing Aid Fitting
Hearing Aids Monil Shah Hearing Aids Monil Shah

4 Factors in a Successful Hearing Aid Fitting

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, your audiologist likely recommended buying hearing aids to help you communicate better. Your audiologist will work with you to find the best possible solution for your specific needs, whether you want something small and discreet, or something large and feature filled.

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Why is Age-Related Hearing Loss Often Untreated?
Hearing Loss Monil Shah Hearing Loss Monil Shah

Why is Age-Related Hearing Loss Often Untreated?

With over 36 million Americans experiencing some form of hearing loss, this is the third most prominent chronic health condition. As such, it is crucial to seek help and advice. With one-third of Americans between the age of 65-74, as well as almost half of those over 75 experiencing hearing loss, it appears to correlate with getting older. 

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Hearing Aids for Adults: Benefits and Costs
Hearing Aids Monil Shah Hearing Aids Monil Shah

Hearing Aids for Adults: Benefits and Costs

Hearing aids are incredibly common and offer the wearer an even better quality of life. Hearing issues are also very common; millions of people each year are diagnosed with hearing loss. That is why hearing aids can provide numerous benefits.

Your audiologist will be able to speak to you relating to the types of hearing aids available and how they can enhance your hearing, so that you can lead the best life possible. This is particularly important for people at work or who have many social interactions. Hearing is important! So, let’s look at some of the benefits and costs that are associated with hearing aids. 

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Should You Repair Your Hearing Aids or Replace Them?
Hearing Aid Monil Shah Hearing Aid Monil Shah

Should You Repair Your Hearing Aids or Replace Them?

Hearing aids can easily be damaged. Not only are they fragile and easily broken due to their size, but they could be mistreated and covered in dirt, grime or even earwax. Hearing aid repairs are common and most hearing specialists are perfectly capable of fixing most issues. However, if you’ve spoken to your hearing care provider multiple times regarding your hearing aid repairs, then they might actually suggest replacing them instead of fixing them.

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Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help
Hearing Monil Shah Hearing Monil Shah

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help

Pretending to hear. Have you ever done it in a social situation? You wouldn't be alone in it, but it's not something that's going to help you. When you can't keep up with a conversation due to hearing loss, you may choose to pretend to hear what another person is saying instead of being honest: it can be embarrassing to some to admit that they can't hear, so they simply don't admit it.

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Top Signs You Need Your Ears Professionally Cleaned
Ear Cleaning Monil Shah Ear Cleaning Monil Shah

Top Signs You Need Your Ears Professionally Cleaned

When it comes to cleaning your ears, very little needs to be done to keep them healthy. A simple swipe with a dry or moist cloth on the outer edge removes any unsightly earwax from visibility. There aren’t actually many reasons that you need your ears professionally cleaned and, most of the time, it’s for cosmetic reasons. However, in the event you experience the following three problems, schedule an appointment with an audiologist to have your ears professionally cleaned.

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How to Know if You’re Hard of Hearing or Going Deaf?
Hearing Monil Shah Hearing Monil Shah

How to Know if You’re Hard of Hearing or Going Deaf?

Do you find yourself asking people to repeat what they’ve just said to you? It might be a sign that you are experiencing hearing loss. There are some telltale signs if you are worried about your ear health.

Typically, finding yourself missing out on a conversation in a noisy room or missing your parcel delivery because you didn’t hear the knock at the door are strong indications that your hearing health might be degrading. However, there could be a variety of explanations for any of these situations that don’t relate to hearing loss. When you are lost in thoughts, it’s not uncommon to cut yourself off from any surrounding sounds. But it doesn’t mean you are going deaf! Similarly, if you are tired or you’ve got blocked sinuses, it can also affect your hearing without having lasting consequences. 

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