How Loud Noise Can Cause Tinnitus
It's important to take care of your ears. Damage to your ears can cause permanent hearing loss or other issues. Loud noise is one of the greatest threats to the health of your ears and your hearing. Prolonged exposure to loud noise or even just one, sudden loud noise can damage your hearing forever. Tinnitus is another consequence of damage to your ears, and can go hand in hand with hearing loss. Tinnitus can sound like a ringing, whistling, whooshing or other sound in your ear or head. If you have been exposed to loud noise, it could lead to tinnitus or might have caused it already.
How to Recognize the First Signs of Tinnitus
It is important to know that tinnitus can impact every person differently. Generally speaking, you may find that you hear a ringing, whooshing or buzzing sound that’s not really there. If you have a persistent ringing in your ears, then this can be annoying, not to mention that it can be in the form of a low-pitched roar or a squeal. In some people, it occurs constantly, in others it comes and goes. So, what does it sound like?