Is it Time to Consider Hearing Aids?
Hearing Aid Monil Shah Hearing Aid Monil Shah

Is it Time to Consider Hearing Aids?

The thought of wearing hearing aids can be a scary prospect, especially if you’re younger than the average hearing aids wearer. However, the prospect of not being able to hear things clearly or interact with friends and family without major issues is far worse.

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Should You Repair Your Hearing Aids or Replace Them?
Hearing Aid Monil Shah Hearing Aid Monil Shah

Should You Repair Your Hearing Aids or Replace Them?

Hearing aids can easily be damaged. Not only are they fragile and easily broken due to their size, but they could be mistreated and covered in dirt, grime or even earwax. Hearing aid repairs are common and most hearing specialists are perfectly capable of fixing most issues. However, if you’ve spoken to your hearing care provider multiple times regarding your hearing aid repairs, then they might actually suggest replacing them instead of fixing them.

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